Introduction- Basic Info

   Hi, welcome to Basic Info Section.

I’m here to post useful tips and important information for new guitar learner.

I assume y’all bought your guitar and want to learn more about guitar playing.

In this BASIC INFO section, I will post lessons about

-How to tune your guitar.

-Learning your FRET. 

-How to read TAB.

-And MORE!!!

-E-mail me, if there are more things that you think will be good in this site.

When appropriate I’ll post more lessons.-

This is basic stuff you’ll need to learn in order to play guitar. If you learn all these you should be good to learn Chords in CHORD INFO section.  

You are welcome to use my article section and post them elsewhere. Just Remember to write down your source.

Let’s start learning~!

1. How to Tune Your Thing~.

    If you are a beginner who just bought your first guitar, learning how to tune your guitar is absolutely crucial.

Many who are learning this instrument just want to learn to how to play cool songs.

That’s all good, but do you know what you HAVE TO DO before you start practicing or playing?


Tuning! TuNING! TUNING!!!!!!!


You MUST tune your guitar in order to play in right pitch, unless you want to bother your own ears and others’ as well.

So, I think it’s very good start for beginner to build habit of tuning guitar, and start learning guitar by TUNING!

I strongly suggest that you tune your guitar every time you feel like pitch is off.

Even if you aren’t sure if your ear is right, you should build habit of tuning your guitar every time you feel like something’s off.

This habit will build your ear to learn the right pitch of your guitar.

Also your guitar strings will be maintain steady tension, thus will provide you with better sound for longer period of time.

Okay! I think I did enough to show you importance of tuning guitar often!

Now, Let’s Learn How~!

There are several ways you can tune your guitar.

1.    Buy a guitar tuner.

2.    Do it by ear

3.    Ask your guitar genius friend to tune your thing.


Let’s start with Buying a Guitar Tuner.

You really don’t need this if you have perfect pitch.

If you don’t have perfect pitch, I recommend you to get one.

It’s not that expensive and often you can get tuner when you buy a Metronome.


METRONOME!!!!!! I know this is off topic, but you HAVE TO GET ONE!!!!!

If you have money to buy a guitar lecture books, Don’t BUY That and GET A METRONOME.

I cannot emphasize how important this thing is.

Guitar has three qualities: Rhythmic, Melodic, and Harmonic. If you don’t have Metronome when you’re practicing, you won’t be able to build good rhythmic quality to your guitar playing!

So, get a METROME even before you buy a Capo.


Okay, back to our topic.

When you get a tuner, it will simply do all the work for you. But I strongly recommend you follow below steps.


-tune your lowest sounding string (that is E string, the thickest string.) with your tuner.

E-----------------------------  Thinnest 1st string
B-----------------------------  2nd string
G----------------------------   3rd string
D----------------------------   4th string
A----------------------------  5th string
E----------------------------- Thickest 6th string


-When you tune your E string, play 5th frat of E string. It will give you A.



    1           2      3        4         5   ß----This frat will give you A sound.


 -Tune you’re a string accordingly. Try to match your 5Fret E string with Open A string.

 -If you got A string to sound right, hold 5th Fret of A string. It will give you D

 A|-------|-------|-------|-------|----0---| ß--This Frat sounds D
E |-------|-------|-------|-------|---------|

-Tune your D string accordingly. Try to match your 5Fret A string with Open D string.

-When you got D string to sound right, hold 5th Fret of D string. It will give you G.

 D|-------|-------|-------|-------|----0---| ß--This Fret sound G
 A|-------|-------|-------|-------|----0---| ß--This Fret sounds D
-Tune your G string accordingly.

-!!!!!! ImportanT!!!!!!!  When you tune G string right, Hold 4th Fret!!!!! 4th Frat of G string to get B.


    1                2          3             4   ß--B

!!! It’s 4th Fret!!!! I had a friend you tune this with 5th frat and he embarrassed himself on a stage. Don’t make that mistake for youself.
G|--------|-------|-------|---0--|---------| <-   4th Fret sounds B
 D|-------|-------|-------|-------|----0---| ß--5th Fret sound G
 A|-------|-------|-------|-------|----0---| ß-5th Fret sounds D
 E|-------|-------|-------|-------|----0---| ß5th Fret sounds A
When you have B string to sound right, play 5th Frat of B String to get E.

    1      2      3       4         5    ß- E

-Tune your E string accordingly, and you’ve just done tuning your guitar.

-Now, finally, check your strings with your tuner. First few times your strings might be off. Don’t get down. Just retune your guitar with tuner and try to remember right pitches.

If you do this every time before you practice, you will be able to do this just by ear

Here is simplified version of tuning guitar.

 E|--------|------|-------|-------|---------| --------------------------------------Thinnest
G|--------|-------|-------|---B-|---------| <-   4th Fret sounds B
 D|-------|-------|-------|-------|----G--| ß--5th Fret sound G
 A|-------|-------|-------|-------|----D--| ß-5th Fret sounds D
 E|-------|-------|-------|-------|----A--| ß5th Fret sounds A-----------Thickest

Okay, Now you know how to tune your guitar. Get a Tuner and gear your ear to have right pitch.

Don’t forget to tune your guitar Every time You Practice, and Every time you Feel pitch is off.

Do these and you will have right pitches for your guitar.

You can get a Tuner and a Metronome, when you get Professional Guitar Lesson for 40 bucks. If you want to learn guitar most efficiently and fast, go to my Good Product section and check if you are interested.

Have in mind, a Tuner and a Metronome will cost you about 40 bucks. I think it is smart to buy a well known proven Professional Guitar Lesson + Tuner + Metronome + other stuff for 40 bucks during special offer period.

Anyway, whatever your choice is, point is Get a Tuner because it’s one of the Most Important tools for every musician to have.

Okay! Tune your guitar~! I’ll see you in next lesson!

P.S. Don’t e-mail me saying ‘what about ‘Asking your guitar genius friend method?’ That’s just stupid.




2. Learning Your Fret! It's not about your beer drinking frat!

   Hi again~!

I hope you tuned your guitar. Hehe.

In this lesson, we will learn about ‘FRAT.’

Some of you English majors might get bothered with me saying "FRAT" instead of "FRET." 
I'm sorry if it does, but I can't help it because that's one of inside joke with my buddies in FRATs. Hehe.

I didn’t rush so I don’t have much to talk about frat. So, let’s finish our lesson here!

Just kiddin.

Hopefully you know what frat is.

Frat is iron bars that parts your guitar into different sections.

You make sound by pressing in between frats.

In this lesson, I’ll simply show you a chart sounds you can make on frat board.

Plus I’ll show you few important relationships in there.


Let’s start! Here is Frat Chart, hehe.
  Okay, now you know all the notes in your guitar.

Now, Memorize them!!! HaHa, I’m kiddin.

You don’t have to memorize all that. I’ll teach you few tricks that will help you understand where your wanted keys are.

Do have in mind that you eventually want to know where all the notes are. But, don’t try to memorize all them now. It will come to you as you learn more about scales and theories behind this. 

Since I decide to assume that you don’t have much knowledge about theory, I won’t get into more complex relationship that will help you greatly when you’re playing solos.

I’ll show you the basic relationship amongst frats to help you find notes of your desire.

Look at below chart, and let’s see if you can see the relationship.
Did you find it? Good.

Above chart is relationship between same notes.

Finding same notes in guitar frat board goes like this.

Have in mind this explanation has 6th string shown on top just for your ease.

1.Find a note that you want in 6th or 5th string. In this example will choose 6th string A.


2. Go down two strings.


3. Move 2 Frat up.


4.Now you found another A, Hurray~! Let’s find another one.

5. Go down 2 strings.

B |----|-----|-----|-----|---0-|------|------|-------|------|------|----------------------


6.Move 3 Frat up.

B |----|-----|-----|-----|---0-|------|------|---A--|------|------|----------------------

7. Now you have another A!


Can you see that relationship? Same rule applies when you are finding notes from 5th string.

I Strongly Suggest that you learn all the notes on 6th and 5th string. If you learn this, you will be able to play Bar Chords with great speed. That will help your guitar playing greatly.

More complex relationships will be dealt in the SCALE INFO and THEORY INFO Section.

Let's try learning how to use this relationship to your advantage.
As a beginner, you should memorize 6th and 5th string. But, don't worry to much, when you start learning Bar Chords, you will naturally remember where notes are.

If you want to know where B is in 1st string, you first find where B is in 5th string. 
B is in 2nd fret of 5th string. Go down 4string and move up 5 frets. 

You now know that B is on 7th fret of 1st string. Easy!

Learning fret board is very important task for beginners.  When you start learning guitar you might not find laerning fretboard to be entertaining. Learning fretboard sometime feels like unnecessary. As a beginner it may seem more fun to just learn new chords and play.

However, as a beginner, it is fundamental to leaern fretboard. When you learn fretboard and can recognize where notes are located, you will laern 'actuall chords.' Rather than learning what his chord looks like, you will learn what consists each chords.
You will recognize that G chord contains G, B, D, after you learn G chord from a Tab, which is notation system for guitar that we will learn in next lesson. 

Ability to identify which notes form a chord is crucial when you are a beginner. You will probably learn every chords by looking at Tab or chord charts. We won't have theory based knowledge to build your own chords.

Therefore, learning fretboard when you begin to learn guitar is very important. Knowing fretboard will allow you to learn from every Tab you come across. When you build that habit of analyzing each chords as a beginner, you will be able to play so much better as you get good at playing guitar. Also, knowing fretboard will give you ability to learn guitar own your own when you reach intermediate level.

So, I strongly suggest you to learn fretboard. If you are a beginner, this is one of 'Must Learn' part. If you are not a beginner and don't know who to locate notes in fretboard, start learning.

I just gave you good tip to learn your fretboard. It took me longtime before I figured it out. 

So, learn it for my sake and your sake. Okay?
If you are finding this lesson to be bit hard to understand, I strongly recommend that you get Professional help.

Trust Me, that having a professional to teach you structurally is the best way to learn foundation of guitar and become a good player.

When you become a good guitar player, you will be able to learn guitar in great speed and enjoyment on your own.

But way to be good (some say intermediate level) is hard and frustrating without professional guide.

If you try to learn this by your own, it will take longer to be good and your guitar playing will be somewhat clumsy. I’ve seen many cases of that.

Get some help with VISUAL INSTRUCTIONS. Get a Tutor, $600 dvd set, whatever it is that has Visual!!!



If you are learning guitar, I want you to take easy and efficient way.

Practice and memorize this relationship. Try to get feel of what’s on the frat board!



You gotto remember that I can only teach you something that can be taught in text.

I really wanted to post something about strum pattern, riffs, and arpeggio techniques, how to hold guitar, and other things, but I can’t.

These information are important and you have to learn them in order to play.  Get something that is visual and Professional.


In next lesson we will learn about reading Tab.

Till than I hope you get feel about frat HeHe board!
Tune your Guitar~! And I will see you in next lesson.


3. How to Read TAB?!


Tune your guitar and let’s get this rolling.

I’ll write this lesson short and efficient cuz I gotto run for a show soon.

Reading Tab! If you get to know this you will be able to learn pretty much Every Song out there.

Tab is just a simply way to notate guitar music.

It’s simple and efficient. 


When you go on to free guitar tab sites, you will see something like this.


What is This~~?!

This is simple tab for Tom Petty’s ‘Free Falling.’ Very good song for beginners. Learn this!

I’m sure you’ve heard this song. HaHa, I use to get drunk with friends and play this song out loud.

4 a.m Saturday, we simply woke everyone up. Almost 40 of us, screaming “Free Falling~!!!”

That was a good memory.

Anyway, back to our topic.

You read this as if numbers tab is your guitar and numbers are frets.

Do you see Tab has 6 lines? That represents 6 strings of a guitar.

Simply put.

--2-------2--------2--------0---       à E string. 1st string. The Thinnest one
--3-------2--------3--------2---       à B string. 2nd string.
--2-------0--------2--------2---       à G string. HeHe. 3rd string.
--0-------0--------0--------2---       à D string. 4th string
--x-------3--------x---------0---       à A string. 5th string.
--x-------2--------x---------x---       à E string. 6th string. The Thickest one.

Got it? Simple. Ain’t it? I'm sure we've already figured this out when we learned how to tune your guitar.

Okay, now let’s see what those numbers are.

Let’s check out the first chord of “Free Falling.”
You will press 2nd Frat of 1st string (E string, the Thinnest), 3rd Frat of 2nd string (B String), and 2nd Frat of 3rd string, which is our favorite G string.

Are you done pressing them? Good!

0 means “Play this string OPEN.” Don’t press anything of 4th string.

X means “Don’t Play this string.” Simply don’t play this string!

So, to play this chord according to our Tab, we should only play 1st to 4th strings.

That’s it. That’s how you read tab.

This song is a great one for beginners. So, if you like Tom Petty, try to read this tab and learn this song.


This song will teach you ‘How to Read Tab,’ and some open chords. We will look into open chords in CHORD INFO section.

  D        G          D       A


Have Fun with it! I’ll see you in next lesson.

And I’m FREEEEE~~~!

Oh, and I have to say this.

You've just learned 3 chords. D, G, A. I told you that for beginners learning fretboard is important. Well, now you have time to learn your fretboard!

Figure out which notes consist these chords. Learn them.
Many beginners usually just learn chord shape and think they know that chord.

Will they know how to play these chords in different positions? No!

So, if you want to actually learn these chords, figure out what notes are in there. As I said, this is one of ways to get out of beginner phase quickly. Learn fretboard, and make these chords yours.

Okay? Alright, when you want professional to teach you these comprehensively and easily with visual interactives, read through my reviews of great guitar learning programs. I've selected the best of bests out there. Some of them are in limited time special offers, so check my reviews out and see what's best for you.

Agian, have fun playin! Since you learned how to read tabs, go to search engines and search tabs for your favorites songs. Learn them, of course with learning fretboard, and start playing! It's one of the most fun time you can have with guitar!


4. Free Falling



Many sent me e-mails about how to play Free Falling.

I thought that this song will be great one to learn for beginner, so I made a lesson about this.
Actually, I intended last lesson to be the last part of basic info. Since I can’t really write about other basic stuffs such as strumming and picking, I just recommended you to get something professional and visual. Go to Good Product section and get Jamorama if you insist. 40 bucks and it gives you everything you need to be a good guitar player. Don’t miss special offer period.

I’ll later post other lesson about ‘Creep.’  I think it’s a great song to learn Bar Chords. I think learning these two songs will set you to place where you can play most songs out there. Good times for beginners when you master Bar chords.
Let’s start with Free Falling.

If you haven’t heard this song, go listen.

You have to listen before you start playing it. Get feel for this song’s rhythm and melody.

I’m sure that you’ll find this to be quite simple and catchy.

Okay, if you’ve done this, let’s start.

  D         G          D      A



You should know how to read tab by now. Learn these chords. They are all we need to play this song.

Okay, I’ll give you lyrics with chords written on top. You should be able to play this whole thing now.

Have in mind that you should put Capo on 3rd Frat. However, it is best to adjust Capo to your vocal range. Try singing it and lower capo or raise it to make this song suit to YOU.


D G  G/D/A (x2)


        D    G      G   D   A

she's a good girl, loves her mama

      D  G       G    D  A

loves Je-sus and America too

        D    G    G    D   A

she's a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis

      D   G          G      D      A

loves hors-es and her boy - friend too


(intro again 1x)


       D    G     G     D    A

it's a long day   livin' in Reseda

          D    G     G     D           A

there's a free-way runnin' through the yard

          D   G           G      D    A

and i'm a bad boy, cause i don't even miss her

      D   G        G         D   A

i'm a bad boy for breakin' her heart




        D-G    G-D-A

now i'm free                 

     D-G    G-D-

free fall-in'

       D-G    G-D-A

ya i'm free                 

     D-G    G-D-A

free fall-in'



all the vampires walkin' through the valley

move west down Ventura Boulevard

all the bad boys are standing in the shadows

and the good girls are home with broken hearts


now i'm free                 

free fall-in'

ya i'm free                 

free fall-in'


intro again, play lightly

(free fallin, now I'm, free fallin)


i wanna glide down over Mulholland  

i wanna write her name in the sky

gonna free fall out into nothin'

gonna leave this world for a while


and i'm free

(free fallin, now I'm, free fallin)                

free fall-in'

(free fallin, now I'm, free fallin)

ya i'm free

(free fallin, now I'm, free fallin)                 

free fall-in'

(free fallin, now I'm, free fallin)

Have fun falling~! I’ll see you in Chord Info Lessons! 
Ah, also, congratuation for mastering basic info section to esacpe from beginner stage!
Continue to CHORD INFO lessons!
